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Frequently Asked Questions


What is Toothpillow?

Toothpillow is a preventative, pre-orthodontic treatment that corrects and supports proper jaw development, promoting nasal breathing and preventing—even fixing—dozens of health problems down the road. It gets to the root causes of misaligned teeth, often without the need for braces or tooth extraction.

What is an Airway Specialized Dentist?

Airway dentists concentrate on the relationship between the structure of the mouth and respiratory function. They examine the presence of mouth breathing during sleep as a potential indication of sleep-disordered breathing.

How do I know if my child is a candidate for treatment?

See if your child is a candidate by filling out our questionnaire. You will get a personalized video from one of our doctors letting you know whether your child qualifies! Get started now ›

What age groups does Toothpillow help?

This treatment is most effective for children between the ages of 3 and 12.

Will my mouthpiece help with my crowded or crooked teeth?

Maybe! Case by case our Providers will try to help promote a healthy airway by helping your child breathe better at night. That is our main goal. If we can also provide a nice smile and healthy tongue posture, those are the bonuses of our treatment. We can often show that as we are able to help promote jaw growth, we make space for their teeth to actually fit their mouth. Bye-bye crowding if that goal is achieved! Your child may still need orthodontics to finish the case and give a more aligned end result. Our hope is that they will first be properly rested and breathing better therefore a better breathing child, leads to a better sleeping child, who then becomes a better learning child.

How long does treatment last?

All treatment time varies based on starting age and case severity. Your Toothpillow Provider will be able to give you some treatment goals and a relative estimate of the length of time. They will also be able to size your child up to the next Toothpillow appliance when they are ready for that transition.

When should I expect to see results?

With excellent compliance of nasal hygiene, guide wear, and exercises on a daily basis, you should expect to see a visual difference in teeth and/or bite in 3-6 months. At 6-9 months you should notice the start of improvements from the sleep/breathing questionnaire.

Is Toothpillow covered by insurance?

You can seek reimbursement through your medical or dental insurance company for orthodontic services. Your dental plan may have a maximum or exclusions on the amount you spend on orthodontic services. For example, you may only have a certain amount of money you can spend per year and be covered for orthodontics, or there may be a waiting period between dental treatments. Many plans also apply a lifetime maximum to orthodontic treatment. You will want to contact your Medical/Dental insurance company directly to inquire specifics related to your plan.

How can I refer people to Toothpillow?

When your friends or family take the assessment, one of the first questions asks "Who's the person we can thank for referring you?" Make sure to have your friends and family enter your name when they fill out their child's assessment. For every referral who accepts treatment you will receive $100 gift card straight to your inbox and they will receive a $100 off treatment! It's a win-win!

What qualifies your doctors to treat my child?

Our doctors are qualified Dentists. Their Dental licenses are current and they also carry special training in the field of Airway and Dental Sleep Medicine. This includes diplomats from the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, and the American Sleep and Breathing Association amongst other accolades. They have treated thousands of kiddos already in this exact airway therapy.

How often does my child wear it?

1-2 hours during the day and overnight while sleeping. These appliances help guide natural growth and development, mitigating the detrimental effects of modern living on their mouths, jaws, and airways.

What is the Toothpillow appliance made out of?

The material of our Toothpillow appliance is made of BPA and latex-free medical-grade polymer.

What are some benefits of nasal breathing?

Your nose is designed to help you breathe safely, efficiently, and properly. It can do this due to its ability to:
  • Filter out foreign particles. Nasal hairs filters out dust, allergens, and pollen, which helps prevent them from entering your lungs.
  • Humidify inhaled air. Your nose warms and moisturizes the air you breathe in. This brings the air you inhale to body temperature, making it easier for your lungs to use.
  • Produce nitric oxide. During nasal breathing, your nose releases nitric oxide (NO). NO is a vasodilator, which means it helps to widen blood vessels. This can help improve oxygen circulation in your body.

How do I store my Toothpillow?

If it's not in your face, put it in your case. Please also know that your Toothpillow will have a distinct flavor once it is worn by you. Oftentimes your pets, (especially dogs) will be drawn to the taste and smell. We recommend that you keep it in the same area every time so that you will actually SEE it, before your bedtime routine. Because we all have heard the phrase, “out of sight, out of mind”. A great idea is next to your Burst Toothbrush as long as it’s stored in it’s case!

How long will my Toothpillow last?

The success is strongly influenced by the child's willingness to comply with the treatment and their biological ability to change habits and growth patterns. Starting treatment earlier usually leads to better results. With good compliance, the suggested treatment duration is typically two years, unless other health issues hinder the treatment outcome.

How do I keep my Toothpillow clean?

This is a funny one! Believe it or not, our best practice to ensure a perfectly clean Toothpillow is to have a designated disposable toothbrush and brush your appliance with antibacterial dish soap. We also suggest using a toothbrush and your favorite fluoride-free toothpaste to clean it every day. It is nice to brush it in the evening when it goes in and also in the morning when we wake up.

What happens if I lose my Toothpillow?

If you happen to misplace or lose your appliance, please send a message through our app or email us at is a $100 replacement fee that will be charged for any replacement appliance. Our team will send you the replacement order link. Our team will know which size Toothpillow to resend based on your provider progress records.

What if I feel like my Toothpillow doesn’t quite fit?

Our doctors have a special way of deciding which appliance should fit your kiddo, if you still feel like it just isn't quite right, please message them directly in our app under the messages tab.

Does it cost to get a replacement case?

We can send your first case that needs replacing for no cost. If you need a couple of spares or lose or break your replacement case, please send us a message in our app or email us directly at There is a $10 replacement fee that will be charged for any replacement case outside your first initial replacement

Is there any risk of forming an underbite using the Toothpillow appliance?

Nope, we’ve never had that happen in hundreds of cases. The appliance doesn’t bring the lower jaw forward enough to ever risk that.

What if my mouthpiece makes my teeth hurt?

“My teeth feel a bit sore” is typically a normal statement as you or your child begin a normal wear schedule with your appliance, states our Toothpillow Pro Doctors. It means the appliance is working! Our providers don’t recommend anything for managing the pain with anti-inflammatories. Usually, the soreness should subside, similar to when you work out and your muscles get sore for a bit. If the soreness persists, please submit an inquiry to your doctor through the app.

When my child wears the Toothpillow in their mouth, they are not able to close their lips together. Is that okay?

Absolutely! This is very normal and has to stretch. There are these small round dots on the lip area, use that as a goal for your child to close their lips to that point. We are still able to force nasal breathing and that's the goal. One day they will be able to close all the way over it!
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If you are a current patient, you can contact us directly through your patient portal app and one of our care team specialists will be in touch shortly.